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The Pinokian Republic & the New Commandments | Salerian Art
  1. Never lie, kill, steal or cheat
  2. Love parents.
  3. Admit mistakes and forgive.
  4. Be kind.
  5. Be transparent and accountable.

Since antiquity the Ten Commandments have been adopted as moral paradigms by millions around the world..

In 1957 the Pinokian government – a new member of the United Nations – adopted  a novel revised  version of the Biblical commandments (the Pinokian  Commandments) as the republic’s new constitution.

Pinokian family roots are traced back to Mount  Ararat and Noah with some of the descendants migrating to Gesaria in the 5th century .In early 11th century they would be taken prisoners and brought Venice as  slaves before the Pope would grant them their freedom.

In the early 19 century some  of the Pinokians traveled on foot to Normandy and crossed the Atlantic  while singing ancient hymns of Jesus miracles from  the New Testament.

Sometime in the middle of the 19th century  Pinokians founded the church of Pinocchio based upon the revised version of the Biblical Commandments. Mixing religion with  intelligent business strategies the Pinokian Church became the wealthiest church in America by the early part  of the 20th century. This is when, in 1956, a D.C. Administrative judge found one of the brothers  guilty of PREACHING without a D.C. license. The punishment ? To surgically have  a very long nose (as described by Carlo Collodi for Pinocchio)  attached to his nose.

The Pinokian brothers and their followers were mad as hell, prompting their relocation on a tropical island in the Caribbean where a new Pinokian Republic was born in 1957 . Soon thereafter, the tiny island purchased from a corporation of French  Swedish settlers of Saint Barthélemy would become a member of the United Nations.