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Surprising Discoveries | Salerian Art

Surprising Discoveries by Alen J Salerian MD

student of James H Fetzer PhD, McNight Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota – Duluth

3 Musketeers: LBJ, MB, and AD – Salerian AJ oil painting

Observations / LIFE ON EARTH

  1. JFK’s death was engineered by LBJ, Mac Bundy, and Allen Dulles, and assisted by a CIA developed poison arrow.
  2. Cerebrogenocide – organized killings of thought leaders (RUPEN SEVAG, HRANT DINK, JFK, RFK, STANLEY KUBRICK, GUS GRISSOM, DOROTHY KILGALEN, SENATOR PAUL WELLSTONE) – is a crime against humanity according to UN resolution 96.
  3. Apollo missions were fictional movies directed by Stanley Kubrick, the legendary Hollywood movie director.
  4. Smithsonian Air Space Museum, JFK 6th Floor Museum, and Igdir Museum of Genocide are less than truthful and deny cerebrogenocide and crimes against humanity.
  5. Governmental integrity/ transparency is essential for humanity. Government sponsored misrepresentations are catastrophic.

Medical Observations

Cerebrogenocide 1915, Salerian AJ oil painting

  1. Most Infections result from organic matter transforming to microbes, e.g. a protein particle reproducing in a cell of an animal (viral and prion associated disorders), human stem cells generating microorganisms (normal flora).
  2. Tuberculosis is inheritable.
  3. All mental disorders are caused by some prefrontal cortex dysfunction, with or without other brain abnormalities.
  4. DSM 5 is not scientifically valid and is harmful.
  5. The controlled substances schedule is not scientifically valid and is harmful.

Salerian Paintings talk:

They reveal unspeakable secrets reminiscent of Stanley Kubrick ‘s movies, with hidden symbols letting us know of the magnificent Apollo Moon Hoax.

Marilyn Dorothy Collateral Damage 007 Salerian AJ, oil

The 5 Commandments (2025)

  1. Money is GOD.
  2. Conspiracy theorists are no good.
  3. Collateral damage of children and women for national security and democracy is ok.
  4. Carry a nuclear stick.
  5. Sing national national security freedom five times a day.


Space Medicine

National geographic photo with artificial light and reflection on BUZZ ALDRIN’S FACE SHIELD

  1. Salerian AJ (2019) Does Scientific Integrity Matter? Annals of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience,2(3):1018.
  2. Salerian AJ(2021) The sensitive dependence of complex systems on initial errors and that discovery of water on the moon.Journal of Space Exploration volume 10 issue seven.
  3. Salerian AJ,(2021) Apollo flights and the hazards of radiation, HSOA Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation and Disabilities,7:061
  4. Salerian, AJ (2019). The Apollo 11 Crew and Microgravity. J Phys Med Rehabil Disabil5 , 038.

Forensic Medicine

Hrant Dink 22 Salerian AJ, oil

  1. Salerian AJ,Double murders of President Kennedy and Oswald are not good for America American College of Forensic psychiatry 27th symposium, March 21, 2009, San Diego, California, the Westgate Hotel.
  2. Salerian, AJ (2010). President Kennedy’s death: A poison arrow-assisted homicide. Medical hypotheses75 (4), 372-377.
  3. Salerian, AJ, & Salerian, GH (2005). A Review of FDR’s Mental Capacity. Forensic Examiner14 (1).


  1. Salerian, AJ (2016). An Epidemic of Man-Made Mass Delusions. J Psychol Clin Psychiatry5 (1), 00250.
  2. SalerianAJ,(2023)What caused president Kennedy’s throat wound ?EJPMR
  3. Salerian, AJ (2008). The postmortem examination of President Kennedy is invalid: The evidence. Medical hypotheses , 71 (4), 597-599

Neuroscience References

Saroyan Bitlis 101
Salerian AJ, oil

  1. Salerian AJ,Altar CA,(2012).The prefrontal cortex influence over subcortical and limbic regions governs antidepressant response by N=H/(M+R), Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Volume 204, Issue 1, 30 October 2012, Pages 1-12.
  2. Salerian, AJ (2010). Thermodynamic laws apply to brain function. Medical hypotheses74 (2), 270-274.
  3. Salerian, AJ, Saleri, NG, & Salerian, JA (2008). Brain temperature may influence mood: a hypothesis. Medical Hypotheses70 (3), 497-500.
  4. Salerian, AJ, & Saleri, NG (2008). Cooling core body temperature may slow down neurodegeneration. CNS spectrums13 (3), 227-229.
  5. Salerian, AJ (2010). Addictive potential: A= E/Tmax×t1/2. Medical hypotheses74 (6), 1081-1083.
  6. Salerian, AJ, & Saleri, NG (2006). Cooler biologically compatible core body temperatures may prolong longevity and combat neurodegenerative disorders. Medical hypotheses66 (3), 636-642.
  7. Salerian, AJ (2012). DSM-5 may have adverse effects. Mental Health and Addiction Research2 , 1-4.
  8. Salerian, AJ (2004). Use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in childhood depression. The Lancet364 (9435), 660-661.
  9. Salerian, AJ (2004). Successful treatment of sexual dysfunction with dronabinol: a case report. The Journal of clinical psychiatry65 (8), 20230.

Microbiology References

Neil Armstrong – I did not see any stars
Salerian AJ, oil

  1. Salerian AJ (2020) What is the origin of human bacterial flora ? Journal of Applied Environmental Microbiology 8(1), 1-5.
  2. Salerian AJ (2017) Human body may produce bacteria, Medical Hypotheses,103:131-132.
  3. Salerian AJ (2020) ,What is the origin of decomposer species? Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology,Vol. 8, No. 1, 6-7
  4. Salerian AJ.(2020) Burn wound infections and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Burns. ;46(1):257–258.
  5. Salerian, AJ (2018) Gastric Ulcers May Result From Transformation of Human Tissue to H. pylori: Mathematical Evidence . SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3225494
  6. AJ (2019) Twins With Endogenous Tinea Versicolor. International Journal of Case Reports, 4:81.
  7. Salerian AJ,(2021) Some Infections May Be Endogenous, .Biomed Transl Sci.2021;1(2):1-3.
  8. Salerian AJ,   Pathways Independent of Contamination May Produce Burn Wound Infections. BJSTR MS.ID.001701.
  9. Salerian AJ,(2020)What is the origin of human bacterial  flora? Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1-5 .
  10. Salerian AJ,(2018) Was Pasteur Wrong? Human Cells may Generate Bacteria. Biomed J Sci &Tech Res 4(5)- 2018. BJSTR.
  11. Salerian AJ.(2021)Infections Independent of Contamination: From Organic Matter, Evolution or Stem Cells, APPLIED CELL BIOLOGY,November 2021
  12. Salerian AJ, Response to letter to the editor by Drs Jaloux, Amatore, Macagno, Moranda and Casanova, Burns,May 2020.
  13. Salerian AJ(2021) Do stem cells differentiate to bacteria? European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, volume 8 issue 12.
  14. Salerian, AJ (2018). Fetal Cells May Produce Microbes. nutrition96 (3), 544-551.
  15. Salerian AJ,(2021)Stem Cells May Differentiate to Microorganisms Page 1 31 Cell Biology Applied ISSN : 2320-1991
  16. Salerian AJ,(2023).Do sterile eggs produce microbes,EJPMR.

Pain Medicine References

Dorothy’s Pretty Smile
Salerian AJ, oil

  1. Salerian, AJ (2010). Addictive potential: A= E/Tmax×t1/2. Medical hypotheses74 (6), 1081-1083.
  2. Salerian AJ(2015) Discontinuation of opiate treatment: a retrospective review of 49 patients, Journal of Psychology and Clinical psychiatry, volume 2 issue 4.
  3. Salerian AJ(2015), Opiates may have neuro-protective properties against degeneration and premature death.Journal of Psychology and Clinical psychiatry, volume 3 issue 4.
  4. Salerian AJ(2015), Endorphin agonists for severe depression,Jo urnal of Psychology and Clinical psychiatry, volume 2 issue 2.
  5. Salerian AJ(2016), Human Errors may explain an epidemic of prescription pain control overdose deaths, Journal of Psychology and Clinical psychiatry, volume 5 issue one.
  6. Salerian AJ(2015), Case studies of 17 patients, Journal of case reports and studies, volume 2 issue five.
  7. Salerian AJ(2016), Doctor and patient injuries “in the war on drugs”: A review of for individual practices in Washington DC. Journal of Psychology and Clinical Psychiatry, volume 5 issue 6.
  8. Salerian, AJ (2017). Dual epidemics of deaths by heroin overdose and suicide. Clin Res3 (4), 1-4.
  9. Salerian, AJ The Scientific Validity of Adverse Events from Schedule of Controlled Substances: C= 100-1/2n.
  10. Salerian, AJ US Suicide Epidemic and the Criminalization of Psychiatry and Pain Medicine. Ann Pharmacol Pharm. 2019? 4 (1)1166 .
  11. Salerian, AJ (2015). Discontinuation of Opiate Treatment: A Retrospective Review Of 49 Patients. J Psychol Clin Psychiatry2 (4), 00083.
  12. Salerian, AJ (2018). The heroin epidemic (2000-2014): manmade influences. Pharm Pharmacol Int J6 (3), 203-208.
  13. Salerian AJ(2022)Ketamine and Opiates: Rapid Antidepressant Action,World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.