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Salerian Paintings Talk | Salerian Art

They reveal unspeakable secrets reminiscent of Stanley Kubrick ‘s movies with hidden symbols letting us know of the magnificent Apollo Moon Hoax.

Salerian Paintings :The 10 Commandments (2025)

  1. Money is GOD.
  2. Conspiracy theorists are evil.
  3. Anger is useless .
  4. Guilt is good .
  5. Killing children and women for national security and democracy is ok.
  6. Respect your roots: Roar and show your white teeth often.
  7. Size, race, ethnicity, culture. education do not matter.
  8. Carry a nuclear stick.
  9. Sing national anthem, defend national security freedom five times a day.
  10. Practice-Cerebro genocide every 10 years.