Please join us to

celebrate the spirit of
JFK, RFK, MLK, S. Reynolds, K. Byers, Dr. Sevag, H. Dink

We can Make America Honest Again (MAHA)

Our current societal problems are fixable
for they are rooted in the systematic man-made violations of the American Constitution
built upon the 10 Commandments and the Hippocratic Oath.

Alen J. Salerian, M.D.
Medical Director Emeritus, FBI /MPERT
Former Associate Professor at the George Washington University

Make America Honest Again

Price: $350.00



1:00 Bobby Kennedy Jr (via AV) Welcome to a Healthier America
1:15 Key Note Speaker: Oliver Thomas, Council Member, New Orleans MLK Spirit
1:30 Alen J Salerian MD Questions on Canvas:
How Can America be More Honest?
2:15 David Mantik PhD, MD Who Do You Trust:
Dr. Humes & the Bethesda Naval Hospital or Drs. Mantik & Corsi??
3:00 James Fetzer PhD Who Do You Trust:
The 6th Floor Museum or Texas in the Morning?
3:45 Ralph Cinque Dovey’s Promise – movie trailer (5 min.)
The 1965 murder trial of Mary Pinchot Meyer, JFK’s mistress
3:55 Jerome Corsi, PhD State Politics from the JFK assassination to today: Moving Forward
4:30 Alen J. Salerian MD A Road Map:
No Need to Say I’m Sorry – Let us Pledge to Honesty
6:00 Cocktail Reception & Exhibition


  • Paintings Display
  • Book Display
  • Patrick Kennedy AV Tribute