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Hippocrates & Our Constitution | Salerian Art


Persecution Salerian Oil


  • Do you respect the Hippocratic oath?
  • Do you honor our Constitution?
  • Why do you TREAT pain doctors AS DRUG TRAFFICKERS?
  • Why do you make Serious misrepresentations of pain medications?
  • Why do you Covertly infiltrate examination rooms?
  • Why do you Terrorize or Financially strangulate pain doctors?
  • Why do you Systematically Defame pain doctors?
  • Why did you sabotage the GLOBAL PAIN DAY at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC on 11/9/2011?
  • Why do you Profile drivers (HIDTA)taking prescribed medications?
  • Why do you Violate HIPPA by Leakage of confidential medical information to medical boards?

Most of us believe “America“ is immune to mass crimes against humanity and the systematic silencing of intellectuals to conceal mass crimes. This is because of  our excellent  academic and judicial  institutions and our deep commitment to the sanctity of free speech.

Sadly our official narrative of JFK’s  assassination, the Apollo  mission, and the persecution of pain doctors is tainted by propaganda.

The tragic deaths of Siobhan Reynolds and Kevin Byers are worthy of further investigation, as well as the proven DEA crimes to imprison Alen J Salerian MD without a trial and the sudden death of Dr John Mirzack.

Available at Amazon

The New Tuskegee: Persecution of Pain Doctors in America Paperback – January 12, 2019

by Alen Salerian M.D.

How did 12 people • Dr. John Mirczak • attorney Kevin Byers • board member Siobhan Reynolds • board member Solange Macarthur • and other innocent souls perish?

Prelude: For many years CDC wrongly broadcast an epidemic of deaths from prescription pain medication by misrepresenting vital statistics.

Raid: In March 2011 DEA raided my house, stole three cars, $168,000, called me a drug lord, and drugged me with a date rape like substance.

Legal dirty trick: In April 2012 the DC Department of Health paralyzed my practice by a summary suspension of my DEA license. Hearings were held, a plethora of evidence of coerced witnesses stunk up the courtroom, yet judge John Dean never ruled on the lawfulness of the summary suspension. His failure triggered bankruptcy and permanent closure of my office after 40 years.

Death Came: Within one year seven patients committed suicide and five associates suddenly and prematurely died. Two patients desperately pleaded for help before committing suicides. An employee distraught by unemployment committed suicide. Dr. Mirczak died suddenly after his office was shut down for accommodating my patients after my office closure. My attorney Kevin Byers and board member Siobhan Reynolds died in a private plane crash soon after we received death threats.